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MICROBOTANICA, Cell Detox, 1oz and 2oz


CELL DETOX: Pro tip: Apply a minimal amount topically to any effected areas; behind the ears and directly over the brainstem after administering sublingually.

This potent blend of organic CBD, CBG, terpenes and pterostilbene brings relief your body is sure to appreciate; this detox formula is a powerhouse for the cells and was originally created to help balance cell inflammation and support healthy detoxification in people with serious wellness challenges.
Our highest quality essential oil and terpene blends are meticulously integrated into each product, including: Turmeric Root Essential Oil, Beta-Caryophllyene and Humulene! 
CO2 Extracted Herbs used: Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb Root, Red Clover, Yellow Dock Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Boswellia, Ashwagandha, Licorice Root, Poke Root and Slippery Elm Bark.


Cell Detox features the famous Essiac herbs, along with other herbs used for their potential cancer inhibiting properties. In the 1920’s, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse promoted the herbal blend of Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb Root and Slippery Elm as a natural cancer treatment. In addition to its potential anti-cancer properties the Essiac herb blend may also enhance detoxification, may boost immune function and could potentially reduce inflammation. This formula may be used internally or topically to potentially assist cellular health inside and out.

We recommend that everyone consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if they are pregnant, nursing or on any medications.

Additional information


1500mg CBD + 400mg CBG 1oz, 3000mg CBD + 800mg CBG 1oz

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tara Rosenbloom
Chronic ("long") lyme/TBI

When "nothing works", it is WONDERFUL to find something that does! I can tolerate this product, using ONE DROP a few times a day with one drop of the 1,200 mg full spectrum oil at the same time. I am working through mast cell activation issues, citrus sensitivity and methylation impairment. This helped me with water retention after a round of steroids for a terrible mosqito bite reaction (10 pounds in 10 days have mostly come off now just as easy as it went on), joint stiffness, and SLEEP! I have not reached for the NSAID's in days, even though I hurt, I have something to get me through and I am able to function without the OTC poison. I AM SLEEPING better too. I still wake up hurting and inflamed (my diet is not 100% perfect yet), and start off using these products and the AMAZING ROSE SALVE after my heart focuses on the Lord Yeshua in praise. I truly believe these products are a blessing from God to help us in these bodies! GREAT product, WONDERFUL company to do business with. John 3:16, Rom. 10:8-10! God bless you! Thank you!